Betty White aka Sassy Girl's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie  : :  Female  : :  Adult  : :  Small

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About Betty White aka Sassy Girl

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $200
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: D110022
  • General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
  • Current Size: 9 Pounds
  • Current Age: 23 Years 7 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: Glassboro NJ (856) 269-4280

Her head hung low, she didn’t even try to raise it when the shadows stopped in front of her cage.  The pain was so deeply cruel, every breath seared the raw nerves that flamed constantly, leaving her weak and whining.  The Small Dog turned her head to cover her aching face, trying to blot out the throb of soreness that had become her constant companion.  The shadow brought something into the Small Dog’s world – a small sliver of hope.

The Small Dog had given up, wanting an end to the constant pain, thinking it would come with the darkness. Death was welcome now …how she had stood the agony this long, only God knew.

The dark haired lady pointed to the quivering animal and quietly said, ‘I’ll take this one. She’s a Yorkie.”  With gentle hands, the shelter worker, wrapped the dying dog in an old tattered towel and eased her into the arms of the waiting woman.  “Her teeth are real bad.  Can you do anything for her teeth?” she asked, as she watched them move down the dark hallway that smelled always of urine and death.   The gentle woman, eyes shining with tenderness, turned and nodded, “We’ll do everything for her. Today is the first day of the rest of her life. She will know no more pain or hunger or fear. She is resurrected and today, she is in rescue.  Don’t worry about this Small Dog any more.”  The shelter worker smiled, believing, finally a miracle had occurred on her shift.

The small, matted, dirty Yorkie, so sick she could not stand or walk seemed beyond reach.  No age was noted by the shelter, the owner did not mention it when the dog was turned into the kill shelter to be disposed of, as they normally do with owner surrendered dogs. Especially the sick ones, the hurt ones, the shy ones, the black ones – they did not show well in the shelter and the public passed them by quickly, not even registering that a living being was in the cage, cowering in the corner, afraid of what might happen, indeed, was going to happen.

 The dogs could smell death, the many deaths that happened down the hall. Without their family, as bad as they might have been or as good as they might have been, before death or alcohol or old age took them away, the dogs were left struggling in grief and bewilderment.

After a short trip swaddled in a fresh blanket, the Small Dog emerged and for a moment was interested in where she was. A warm bath, a few of the mats trimmed, and nails given an easy once over, and the Small Dog was exhausted.  She was so hungry! So hungry!  But she could not eat. The raw agony of the exposed nerves in her mouth kept her whimpering even when she slept.  Her new mother offered soft food just in case and left her wrapped in a new soft towel, fresh out of the dryer. Heaven! 

The next day her mother was ready early, bundled the Small Dog into a towel-lined carrier to keep her safe on the short trip – something Sassy had learned meant going to awful places, and it made her shiver with fear – expecting the worst, knowing she had been so close to the final coldness; there was no escape.  

Small Dog was right and wrong.  The worst was realized when the deft hands started touching her mouth and examining her wretched teeth. One tiny blackened tooth fell out in the doctor’s hand. Infection dripped from her mouth and pain radiated from her body. How had she stood the agony! 

Swiftly, the Small Dog was whisked to another room, gently prepped for blood work – it couldn’t get worse, she thought, kill me now.  But Small Dog didn’t know that the best times had begun the moment that tooth fell from her mouth. It told her story better than words could and the solution was simple if severe. Her teeth must be pulled – all of them, at once, now.  She slid down the easy slope to oblivion and the surgical team went to work. Her infected mouth was such a rotted mess, the work itself was easy. Stitches were put in to close the gaping holes and antibiotics were injected and prescribed.  All Small Dog had to do was wake up and live.

The room spun crazily as she struggled to focus – she was numb, nothing hurt – such a blessing to be without pain.  The fight to wake up was too much at the moment and she just closed her eyes to a normal sleep, while her body started the fight to destroy the poisons swarming in her blood. 

The Gentle Lady came to visit.  Her hands, gentle and knowing, eased the Small Dog’s body from the cage while she made soothing noises in her throat.  It was time to go Home. That’s a capital letter word for any dog and Small Dog had missed having one of her own for a very long time.

In the days that followed, Small Dog, had small successes as day by day, the medicines killed the poisons in her blood and without the exquisite agony of raw exposed nerves, she could eat again. Ravenously, she gobbled everything put down in front of her.  Delicious! As her strength returned, Small Dog realized that she was in a very good place. Never left alone, she had the company of another Yorkie – Rocky. He too had had a close brush with death and would have died if the good people of rescue had not given him a chance. Rocky knew Small Dog was weak so he watched her quietly to make sure she knew he was there to give her comfort.

A second problem emerged when the Gentle Lady realized that the food was being forced into the small holes left open in the Small Dog’s mouth.  That turned again to infection and the battle raged as before. Only an expensive operation to cover those holes with a flap of skin would seal off the sinuses and allow the ragged wounds to finally heal.  The expense was huge but the rescue people worked together on a fundraiser called Yorkie Day in PA. There was enough money to help Small Dog. 

The second concern was – could Small Dog survive another deep sleep?  But there was no choice and the operation went on. Days later it was obvious that it did not work.  Would the rescue try again? Do another expensive operation on a very sick, sad Small Dog?  Yes, was the answer, if the doctors believed it was the only hope. Again the deep sleep that had brought the dog so close to the final count.

But this time – ah… this time the skin healed, the deep holes closed, and the Small Dog could eat with gusto.  The powerful poisons that had pumped throughout her body met their final fight and lost.  Day by day, Small Dog felt her strength return. Her world had been so closed off but now she wanted to search out the people and the other dog, Rocky.  Small Dog stood up, shook one great shake, and took a step into Life.

Where she had been listless, weak, oblivious to the world, seeking darkness and back corners, trying to hide from pain, now she felt alive, interested in everything and playful. Now she wanted to get out into the sunshine, to roll in the grass, to chase the other dog and get a belly rub from the Gentle Lady.  The Gentle Lady smiled at the miraculous transformation. She had seen the dog when life had been a curse for her; now she snapped the leash on and out they headed, Small Dog in the lead, looking back over her shoulder saying, ‘Catch up, Mama.  Hurry. There’s so much I want to do. Let’s go faster. Oh, Mama, Hurry!” 

Small Dog is the delightful girl we call Betty White “Sassy” because she may be an older dog but she shakes her bootie and she is full of fun. Life holds no fear any more.  The Gentle Lady knows there is another Small Dog waiting in the shelter who will need her to ease the pain.  But Sassy is ready to claim a new family who will take her for walks, give her belly rubs, go for car rides and play “Catch Me!”  Are you the family looking for a special Small Dog?  Sassy is ready to come home. Please call and say, ‘We want Small Dog, we want Sassy. She’ll never be homeless again.” 

Will you give Sassy the comfort and attention she is looking for? How easy the old dogs are. Sassy is vacationing near Marlton, NJ with Andrea.

More about Betty White aka Sassy Girl

Good with Dogs

Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. 


mail your check or money order to
Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc., 526 N. St. Cloud St., #602,  Allentown, PA 18104

YOUR generosity is appreciated!

1. Yorkies do not usually get along well with small children and can be injured by small children, even ones who love them. Be aware of this and keep them apart. 2. Yorkies can be very difficult (nearly impossible) to housebreak. If you are gone for more than 3 hours at a time, the dog will have to have access to wee wee pads, or need someone to stop in to let him out to potty.
3. We almost NEVER get a puppy (less than one year old) in Yorkie Rescue. If only a puppy will do, check the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America website for a recommended breeder - never buy over the Internet, or from a newspaper ad or a petstore. The heartache you save will be immeasureable.
4. There is no such thing as a "teacup" Yorkie, so don't be misled by such a description. LEARN about the breed BEFORE you decide to adopt.
5. You will need to make arrangements to drive and meet the dog at the foster home which can be in New Jersey, western PA, Maryland,  etc. The dog's biography lists where the dog is fostering. We want you to meet the dog with your family and your dog, if you have one. This is a requirement for adoption.

Adoption donations generally vary from dog to dog, it depends on the health, the age and the size of the dog.

Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. 



Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. 

Be aware that you will be asked to drive to meet and pick up your dog.




Video of Betty White aka Sassy Girl:

Other Pictures of Betty White aka Sassy Girl (click to see larger version):

Betty White aka Sassy Girl Betty White aka Sassy Girl Betty White aka Sassy Girl