Winston Cavalier's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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About Winston Cavalier

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $300
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: D110079
  • General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
  • Current Size: 12 Pounds
  • Current Age: 18 Years 7 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: Glassboro NJ (856) 269-4280

Why is this sweetheart in rescue? How did he lose his home? Did he chew up a pair of good shoes? Bite the mailman? Pee on a rosebush?  No.. no nothing like that.  It isn't his fault.

His owner died and left him without anywhere else to go.

Such a good boy!  He is so nice, so happy to be out of the cage. He loves to go for walks and he did fine in the car.  His owner's son turned him into the pound but said the dog is good with everyone.

Cavvy's teeth are sparkling white and he is so happy to be with a family again. He would love a fenced yard but that's just his wish list. 

See that face?  He's a bigger boy at 12 pounds but that's such a sturdy, wonderful little guy - give him a chance. His shining eyes and lustrous hair will make you look twice.  Then look again and call his name "Cavvy!"  Put in your application and call Andrea about Cavvy!  He is vacationing near Marlton, NJ   What a gorgeous boy!

and just for so... something to read...

Rescued Dog

Once I was a lonely dog, just looking for a home.
I had no place to go, no one to call my own.
I wandered up and down the streets, in rain in heat and snow.
I ate whatever I could find, I was always on the go.
My skin would itch, my feet were sore, my body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat or to gently say my name.
I never saw a loving glance, I was always on the run.
For people thought that hurting me was really lots of fun.
And then one day I heard a voice so gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me and took me off my feet.

"No one again will hurt you," was whispered in my ear.
"You'll have a home to call your own where you will know no fear."
"You will be dry, you will be warm, you'll have enough to eat."
"And rest assured that when you sleep, your dreams will all be sweet."

I was afraid I must admit, I've lived so long in fear.
I can't remember when I let a human come so near.
And as she tended to my wounds and bathed and brushed my fur
She told me about the rescue group and what it meant to her.

She said, "We are a circle, a line that never ends.
And in the center there is you, protected by new friends.
And all around you are the ones that check the pounds,
And those that share their home after you've been found."
And all the other folk are searching near and far.
To find the perfect home for you, where you can be a star."

She said, "There is a family, that's waiting patiently,
and pretty soon we'll find them, just you wait and see.
And then they'll join our circle, they'll help to make it grow,
so there'll be room for more like you, who have no place to go."

I waited very patiently, the days they came and went.
Today's the day I thought, my family will be sent.
Then just when I began to think it wasn't meant to be,
there were people standing there just gazing down at me.
I knew them in a heartbeat, I could tell they felt it too.
They said, "We have been waiting for a special dog like you."

Now every night I say a prayer to all the gods that be.
"Thank you for the life I live and all you've given me.
But most of all protect the dogs in the pound and on the street.
And send a Rescue Person to lift them off their feet."

Arlene Pace
September 18, 1998

More about Winston Cavalier

Good with Dogs

Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. 


mail your check or money order to
Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc., 1702 W Allen St #602,  Allentown, PA 18104

YOUR generosity is appreciated!

1. Yorkies do not usually get along well with small children and can be injured by small children, even ones who love them. Be aware of this and keep them apart. 2. Yorkies can be very difficult (nearly impossible) to housebreak. If you are gone for more than 3 hours at a time, the dog will have to have access to wee wee pads, or need someone to stop in to let him out to potty.
3. We almost NEVER get a puppy (less than one year old) in Yorkie Rescue. If only a puppy will do, check the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America website for a recommended breeder - never buy over the Internet, or from a newspaper ad or a petstore. The heartache you save will be immeasureable.
4. There is no such thing as a "teacup" Yorkie, so don't be misled by such a description. LEARN about the breed BEFORE you decide to adopt.
5. You will need to make arrangements to drive and meet the dog at the foster home which can be in New Jersey, western PA, Maryland,  etc. The dog's biography lists where the dog is fostering. We want you to meet the dog with your family and your dog, if you have one. This is a requirement for adoption.

Adoption donations generally vary from dog to dog, it depends on the health, the age and the size of the dog.

Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. 



Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. 

Be aware that you will be asked to drive to meet and pick up your dog.




Other Pictures of Winston Cavalier (click to see larger version):

Winston Cavalier Winston Cavalier