Caper's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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About Caper

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $600
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: D120074
  • General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
  • Current Size: 3.5 Pounds
  • Current Age: 15 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: Kunkletown PA 18058 (610) 900-4063

Peeking out of the wire crate, the little nose quivered... she was a shy girl, timid because no one had taken the time to show her that people are friends and the world can be an interesting place. Taking one small step onto the hardwood floor, she looked up and tried to decide if it was safe. The sound of a tv nearby sent her skidding back into the crate. She flattened herself as she tried to become invisible.

Her size had a lot to do with it. She was just the size of a small bunny and almost as timid. Yes, she had been in a home with small children and it had frightened her terribly. They were unpredictable, loud, and clumsy. Because of them she had lived in a crate, a small cage, like a wild animal, for many months. It had starved her for human attention and she still felt that need but did not know how to satisfy it.

 Eyes wide, and swallowing her fear, she looked again.

The nice lady smiled at her big questioning eyes, and she kept right on folding laundry while the feather soft breath of the panting dog could be heard behind her. The lady had done this many times before, taken in a new dog, who had no idea why her world had disappeared. She knew there were no words to console the dog, so she hummed softly and moved slowly. It would take a few days for this new one to settle but she had patience, lots of patience and she understood. The other dogs would investigate this new stranger and then begin to show her the ropes.

Feeding time came but the terrified dog did not consider the bowl of warm food made especially for her. The lady knew it would take time and was not worried about the food being left. The dog would eat when it was ready. In the meantime, the lady played with the other dogs, took them out into the well used yard, and they enjoyed a little sun on their backs.  Tail down, ears half up, the new dog watched, hungry for a gentle word, but did not come all the way out into the yard. like a hidden fawn in tall grass, Caper watched the happy scene with awe.


I could go on but.. you want to know about this dog.. not read my stories.. so here is what we know.

Ahhh...ravishing... beautiful... a gorgeous Yorkie girl.

Young, small, healthy, shy - very shy... this is it ladies and gentleman. She is just what everyone wants. She doesn't know much about housetraining.. she has lived in a crate where her loving family kept her until they could breed her... they finally gave up that idea and thankfully called us.

She will have her pick of the applications - so here is just a reminder of what we are looking for in a family and home for her (and all of our Yorkies).

1. The home must be in our coverage area - PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD.

2. We are looking for someone with lots of small dog experience - preferrably Yorkie experience - you know about dentals, patellas, housetraining and more.  We want to be able to call your vet who will say, 'Oh, the ____ family? They are wonderful owners. They bring their dog in all the time, it is spayed or neutered, up to date on shots, and seen regularly... yes, they are well known at their vet's office.

3. We are looking for someone who is home a lot. Could be retired but this girl needs younger people- hopefully under 65, works from home, or a couple who work opposite shifts. If you are gone more than 4 hours a day, please look for a bigger dog who won't mind the long hours.

4. A yard is a great thing, a fenced yard - even a tiny fenced area, is much appreciated but the daily walks are important even with that fenced yard.

5. NO SMALL CHILDREN! She is too tiny to be a child's pet.

6. NO LARGE dogs. She's too tiny.

7. When you say "YES!" to the fostering question on the application, you go up a notch in rescuer's eyes. It shows love and understanding of what rescue means. Please do consider that carefully though.

If you have these qualities, you sound like a wonderful home for Chloe Candida. We would love to hear from you. Chloe is vacationing near Allentown, PA with Lori. (She said YES! to fostering - so she got the call to take in this darling treasure. Lucky Lori!)

More about Caper

Good with Dogs

Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. 


mail your check or money order to
Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc., 1702 W Allen St #602,  Allentown, PA 18104

YOUR generosity is appreciated!

1. Yorkies do not usually get along well with small children and can be injured by small children, even ones who love them. Be aware of this and keep them apart. 2. Yorkies can be very difficult (nearly impossible) to housebreak. If you are gone for more than 3 hours at a time, the dog will have to have access to wee wee pads, or need someone to stop in to let him out to potty.
3. We almost NEVER get a puppy (less than one year old) in Yorkie Rescue. If only a puppy will do, check the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America website for a recommended breeder - never buy over the Internet, or from a newspaper ad or a petstore. The heartache you save will be immeasureable.
4. There is no such thing as a "teacup" Yorkie, so don't be misled by such a description. LEARN about the breed BEFORE you decide to adopt.
5. You will need to make arrangements to drive and meet the dog at the foster home which can be in New Jersey, western PA, Maryland,  etc. The dog's biography lists where the dog is fostering. We want you to meet the dog with your family and your dog, if you have one. This is a requirement for adoption.

Adoption donations generally vary from dog to dog, it depends on the health, the age and the size of the dog.

Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. 



Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. 

Be aware that you will be asked to drive to meet and pick up your dog.




Other Pictures of Caper (click to see larger version):
