Animal Success Stories
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Miranda Miranda (Randa, Rae Rae) has found her forever home and it was a lot closer than she imagined. A few days after Theresa came back from vacation, she welcomed her new foster, Miranda. She was just released from her surgery and Ted E, Maura and Marley the cat, all helped with her with her recovery. Unbeknownst to all she stole their hearts. There is something special about her, the way she dances on her to back legs and the happiness that radiates from her. She came to SAYR as a stray from New York, the Vet believes she has had at least two litters in her lifetime, a broken elbow that was never treated and healed improperly, and a small piece missing from her tongue, as well as five mammary tumors removed which were all benign. Theresa proceeded with prospective candidates for Miranda. Ted E had other plans. In the short time Theresa had Miranda, she had bonded with Ted E. Maura and Marley the Cat all welcomed her to the bed they share with their fur Mom. Theresa could not imagine life without her âtiny dancerâ. Mornings now start with Ted E, Maura and Miranda playing in bed, kissing their Mom repeatedly and jumping all over her, and Theresa would not have it any other way. Congratulations Miranda!!! |