Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Phoebee Cindy drove two hours from her hometown in Maryland with her friend Patty. Packed in the back of her VW Beetle was an extra-large, soft-side travel crate stuffed with new toys and blankets. She knew Pheobee suffers from anxiety in the car, so she came prepared to ease her ride back! Cindy and Pheobee spent three hours getting to know each other, but it was obvious from previous conversations and within the first few moments, that they were a beautiful match. Pheobee spent most of the visit on her lap and thanking her with kisses for her new toys. She stayed curled up cozy as we discussed all there was that we learned about Pheobee for the time we had her. Congratulations Phoebee!!! |