Animal Success Stories
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Benjamin is at his furever home with Barry and Pat. They thought they wanted a little girl Yorkie, but Benjamin stole their heart. Smart Yorkie parents that they are, they arrived with a new soft squeaky toy and immediately won Benjamin's heart! Barry and Pat played with Benjamin and enjoyed his quick lap drive-bys so he could give kisses. While Julia and Pat started the paperwork, Benjamin, Barry and Chuck went for a quick walk. Once the papers were in order, we took a quick picture, loaded up the Explorer with Benjamin's belongings, being sure to send him off with his favorite old toys and his new toy as well. Barry put Benjamin's bed in the backseat, lifted Benjamin up into the Explorer and they were off. About two hours later, Benjamin was checking out his new territory and proved us right that he traveled well. We wish Barry and Pat many years of enjoyment watching Benjamin's antics and being the lucky recipients of the kisses, he just must share! Congratulations Benjamin!!!