Animal Success Stories
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Hello there, I am coming to you from Philadelphia, PA with good news...My foster mommy decided she needed to keep me as I tugged at her heart strings within days of landing at her door. She was skeptical at first, not knowing how I would react to Indy, but as days went by it was apparent that Indy had accepted me into the fold and the rest is truly history. Indy and I run and play throughout the house as if we had known each other forever. I must admit that there have been a few "close calls" when Indy decided to take me on, and I had to remind her that I was her elder and that this was not going to be acceptable behavior. Could not let her give "mommy" thoughts that this would not work out, you see, I love being with my mommy and grandma and of course Indy and nothing could take me away from my forever home. I have now become a true "FOSTER FAILURE" and will live my life making my mommy smile. Congratulations Mist!!!