Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc.

About us

Who is Save A Yorkie Rescue?

Volunteers just like you—people who want to give life to another living being, people who believe that saving just one life is the most important thing you can do. Everyone who works with us is a dedicated volunteer, no one gets paid. In fact, many of our fosters pay, or help to pay, the bills for the Yorkies.

Marilyn and Don Faughner started Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc. on January 1, 2002. Since that day volunteers have saved over 2,500 Yorkies. And more Yorkies that must be rescued come in every day.

We have to be kidding, right? Yorkies?

As hard as it is to believe, a big yes. Absolutely.

They get dropped off at shelters or are found wandering more than one would think. Or they are injured and the owners will not or cannot pay for medical bills. 


Saving these Yorkies is why we are here.

Not all Yorkies make it. Those that do not get to come into rescue or who are not adopted from shelters face something else. Most people use phrases like, "putting a dog down," or especially "euthanizing a dog." The definition of "euthanize" is "intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering." The Yorkies, as well as all of the other dogs, who don't get rescued or adopted, get killed. They are not in pain or suffering. Their only crime was relying on their owners to take care of them.

So we welcome you to Save A Yorkie, where passionate volunteers get the lifesaving work done. We look forward to helping you. And we look forward to your potentially volunteering with us and fostering a Yorkie that is looking for a second chance to life.

Remember, a dog cannot come out of a shelter without having a place to go, without having a foster home available. Read more in "Fostering."

Our hope is that you have come to this site today to learn more about the breed, to determine if a Yorkie is right for your family, and to offer to do what you can to help save a Yorkie. It doesn't take a saint or a martyr to save a Yorkie. You just have to say, "Yes! " when we call you for help.  You are in the right place to Save A Yorkie. Welcome!