Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie : : Female : : Baby : : Small
Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie. Contact Victoria "Sweetheart" Tori's Caretaker/Foster Directly: Kathy (kathy.oberto@yahoo.com), (856) 596-6018, (610) 329-7930
Sweetheart had her livershunt surgery and it went perfectly! We picked up Tori at the surgeon's office. She was one sad little puppy ... quite subdued, a little bedraggled looking, wearing a surgical collar and very clingy. Once home, we fed her and she ate well. She settled down for a nap. Once she woke up from her nap ... she was her old self. We're supposed to keep her quiet and contained ...only take her outside for doing her business while on a leash. She's not very happy about those instructions ... after all, she's a five month old puppy! She doesn't want to be still and quiet! She can't understand why we won't throw the ball, or play with the squeeky toys with her. But we're making it work! She is to continue her medicines for two weeks, at which time she will have blood work to see how her ammonia levels are doing, as well as have her stitches out. While we have to wait for the liver biopsy results to come back, all signs are pointing to a full recovery. The expectation is that she will be off medicine and prescription diet in the next 3-4 months. She is quite the character ... a very strong, assertive personality. She really dislikes being alone; hates her crate. A family with other dogs would be an excellent home for her -- She loves to play with other dogs. She also likes exploring the backyard, and catching some sunshine. She's grown quite tall, she's got fairly long legs. Her puppy fur is starting to come out, and she's quite white underneath. She will have beautiful color when it all comes in. She's doing well, and ready for her forever home! *********************************************************** NEVER buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy! Not unless you have a bile acid test done by your vet. The people who bought Victoria "Sweetheart" Tori looked at her cute little face and threw done $900. Within weeks she was feeling so badly they brought her to the local shelter to be euthanized. LIVERSHUNT! That deadly condition that many Yorkie breeders do not admit to having in their line but it shows up in so many puppies. Yorkies are 1100 times more likely to have livershunts than ALL OTHER BREEDS COMBINED! This breeder did the honorable thing - offered to take Tori back to be euthanized and give the couple a second puppy (who wants a second puppy that could also have livershunt!) The couple already loved Tori and were saddened that they could not afford to have her seen at the vet's - the estimate was $2000 - $4000 IF it was operable. NEVER NEVER buy a Yorkie puppy - without having your vet check out that puppy first. Tori traveled many many hours to get to PA where she she was seen by our surgeon on. It was operable but there are only so many livershunt puppies that we can fix at prices like these. Most people cannot afford them either. Put yourself in that couple's place - would you be able to pay $5000 to buy a puppy and then have it operated on for Livershunt? Victoria "Sweetheart" Tori is with Kathy Oberto near Marlton, NJ We want you to pass the word on to your friends - NEVER buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy from anyone - without a bile acid test! Thank you for checking out this little muppett. More about Victoria "Sweetheart" ToriGood with Dogs Special Needs: Livershunt Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. OR mail your check or money order to YOUR generosity is appreciated! Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. ADOPTION AREA Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. Other Pictures of Victoria "Sweetheart" Tori (click to see larger version):