Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie / Poodle (Miniature) : : Male (neutered) : : Young : : Small
Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie.
You are looking for a small dog - young, but not a puppy. You thought a Yorkie might be a good choice because they don't shed. You bought and read a book on them and realize that they are not good with children but since you don't have any children, that is not an issue for you. You also read that Yorkies are very small dogs with small bladders. If they are left alone for long periods of time - over 3 hours, they will have to go, regardless of where YOU are so you know to prepare before you leave the house. You bought an exercise pen so that you have a good place for your Yorkie to stay while you are out of the house. Since you will be with your Yorkie most of every day, you will be sure that he gets outside to potty and you intend to walk him every day - weather permitting. Since you are looking for a young Yorkie, you know you need to go to obedience training and you have checked out different places to find one that you know will work with you to help you bond with your Yorkie. Good for you! See how well you have prepared for your new arrival? You have read those books, talked to other owners, even consulted your vet to ask if there are any special needs you should be aware of for Yorkies and by George, you found that their teeth are a weak spot and they will need a dental cleaning every year. It gets to be expensive, as your vet pointed out, so you have decided to self insure. You will be putting aside $40 or more every month to pay for vet bills, especially emergency situations, that will require such funds. Pet insurance IS a good idea but statistics show that often the insurance does not cover everything and that by putting away some money for the dog's vet bills, you will be prepared for whatever happens. Great. NOW we are ready to talk Yorkie. KC is a delightful, young, healthy male Yorkie Poo boy. His best friend was a cat who loved to play with him since his owner was at work all day, every day. But his best buddy, the cat, has passed away and his owner is now moving in with her boyfriend who doesn't particularly like KC. So KC is ready to come home. His fur is super-soft, we gave him a bath and he's all fresh and clean! He's a real sweety, loves to give kisses, rides well in the car, loves to be held and with you on your lap, and is good (although still a bit unsure) with our pack o' pups! He is vacationing in Marlton, NJ with Jen. If you have time for KC, he is waiting. Get your application in now. More about KCGood with Dogs, Good with Cats Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. OR mail your check or money order to YOUR generosity is appreciated! Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. ADOPTION AREA Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. |