Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : Small
Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie.
Hi there, Pretty Lady! Checking out the Yorkies again? Yes we know. You come here quite often. Just to look. Well, come on in - look us over... check out our newest little lamb. Vinny Van Go! He's just what so many people are looking for in a Yorkie - small, young, handsome. He has had a very difficult beginning. Born in a mill, shipped to a petstore, he was purchased by irresponsible people. No, they didn't take care of him, they didn't neuter him, leaving him frustrated and confused because the hormones scream one thing and his beloved people demanding the opposite. What's a little dog to do? Then - "All the Bad Happened" His people put him on Craigslist to give him away!!!! Can you believe this darling little dog was dangled in front of the crazy world, and given away to anyone who would take him!! Someone just as irresponsible took him home. Poor Vinny - from the frying pan, into the fire. Luckily - they didn't have time for Vinny either. Off to Florida went one and the call came from the other - "Come TODAY or the dog dies!" So today we flew to his rescue and Vinny is delivered! Oh- how thirsty he was! Two-bowls-of-water thirsty! Dirty, covered in poop, scared, and skinny he WAS. Warm, well fed, freshly bathed he IS. Smiling in his sleep, nestled in his own bed he is enjoying the first day of the rest of his life. All the Good is happening now. Vinny prefers a very quiet home and he would like to be the ONLY dog in your home. Near Allentown with Melissa and her crew of happy campers. Life begins anew. Lucky Vinny. Put your application in for Vinny and watch him blossom! More about Vinny Van Go!Is Not Good with Dogs Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. OR mail your check or money order to YOUR generosity is appreciated! Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. ADOPTION AREA Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. Other Pictures of Vinny Van Go! (click to see larger version):