Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small
Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie. Contact Darcy!'s Caretaker/Foster Directly: Kathy (kathymsayrescue@gmail.com), (609) 634-8212, (609) 634-8212
Hi Lady-at-the-Computer - Here again, huh? Looking for a Yorkie - the perfect Yorkie - tiny, young, female...right? Darcy is all that and more. Darcy needs to be the only dog in a family where someone is home most of the time. She wants to play - with the devil in her eye, and with a wink - OFF she goes - running and laughing over her shoulder. She is mischievous like most small dogs. That's why her foster mom was always smiling and calling, 'Damn it, Darcy!!" But all in a good way. Darcy loves her toys, loves to chew, loves her people, and she rides in the car very well. She spins for her food cause she can hardly wait! If you are interested in adopting Darcy, remember that she is a typical Yorkie girl - active, needing lots of play - and attention. If you have never had a dog before - this little one probably will be too much for you. She is an acrobat and escape artist. No children please - she is too tiny... No other dogs - she wants to be the Diva, the Princess - she doesn't like to share. She ONLY wants you. Darcy is 100% Yorkie spirit and loves to be your dog - you will be adored as much as you adore her. She is so proud of her housetraining. Darcy also is a climber, an acrobat and LOOK - She just shredded my marigolds!!! She is in Voorhees, NJ. If you have an application in, you may call Kathy for her. Darcy is ready to go! More about Darcy!Is Not Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit organization operating on donations from Yorkie lovers who care. Please help by donating your tax deductible donations. OR mail your check or money order to YOUR generosity is appreciated! Young Yorkies will have a higher adoption donation since they are the most highly sought after and they help to cover the costs of the older dogs who have a harder time finding a loving home. It is sad but true that people overwhelming demand very young dogs when they would be infinitely happier with a mellow adult. ADOPTION AREA Save A Yorkie Rescue prefers to adopt only in the PA, NJ, western NY, DE, MD, VA, some CT area's. If you are in the NYC area or near Long Island, there is a Yorkie Rescue closer to you. |