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Tiny was only in rescue for a few days, he came to us very sick and in pain. Tiny had to cross over the rainbow bridge to relieve his pain. Though he was only with us a few days he stole our hearts. Rest peacefully Tiny

Manny was a good boy from Manhatten. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, A wonderfull lady named Leona took Manny in and gave him a great home until he crossed the bridge. THANK YOU Leona for letting Manny know someone cared before he went to rest.

"Yes, of course, we said, we will take your Bengie and make sure he is well cared for." We meant well. Bengie's foster mom was astonished at his delicate features and tiny body. Bengie had a huge tumor that could not be removed. His foster Mom did for Bengie what his other Mom would not do: She held him softly until he passed. She kissed him and wished him God's speed. We did what we said we would do. We took good care of Bengie.

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