Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Ely went to his forever home with his new mom, Sandy and his new brother, Dunkin (yes, like the donut). Dunkin was also adopted from SAY, just a few years ago. Sandy drove 6 long hours…one way! and was so excited to meet him and Ely was excited to meet her too. They enjoyed their time getting to know each other, and Ely loved relaxing on Sandy’s lap, being scratched and offering big smooches in return. Sandy was in love with him, even before she met him, but after seeing him in person, thought he was even more handsome than in his pictures. When it was time for Sandy to make the long journey back home, with lots of hugs she commented “you’re not getting him back”! 😊 Live long. Live healthy. Live happy Ely...and Congratulations!