Animal Success Stories
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Bailey Rae

Bailey Rae not only has a new loving Mom and Dad, she now has a brother, Bentley, who was adopted from SAY 2 years ago. Bailey and Bentley…already like two peas in a pod. The first thing we noticed when they met each other was how similar they were. The same ears, the same natural tails and they were wearing the same harnesses. Carol is definitely Bentley’s person, so we were hoping that Jim would be Bailey’s. And he is. Arriving home, Bailey was snuggled on Jim’s lap and is already a confirmed Pittsburgh Steeler’s fan! Just like Bentley, Bailey will be enjoying long walks, lots of attention, lots of kisses and will be spoiled to pieces. What a wonderful life for Bailey Rae! Thank you to Carol and Jim for giving this sweet little girl her happily ever after! Congratulations Bailey Rae!!!