Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Our journey to adopting Willy (formerly Booker) starts as a sad story but ends on a happy note. When we lost our Yorkie, Madison, in October after a monthlong battle with lymphoma, we were not sure if or when we'd get another dog. Maddy was not only our little girl, she was our roommate, playmate, travel buddy, office assistant, therapy dog, and all-around perfect pup. She was with us for 13 years, and we were like two sad and lost puppies without the companionship of our wonder dog. In the days and weeks following, there was an emptiness we could not fill no matter how busy we kept ourselves. That's when we decided that since we have the time, space, and experience we'd volunteer to foster a Yorkie in need as a way to honor our Madison. Willy from Philly was found roaming the city streets all by himself, yet you'd never know it based on his happy and sweet disposition. Sure, he was nervous when he first came to us. He could not sit still the entire drive up the NJ Turnpike. He pooped on the floor within ten minutes of entering our apartment and marked everything in sight. He had an ear infection and dental disease. But with each minute, hour, and day he was with us, he calmed down and showed us more of his personality: he let us bathe him, joyfully played with his toys, ate more, snuggled up to us on the couch, showed us how well he walks on a leash, and recovered from dental surgery like a champ. And with each minute, hour, and day we've spent with him, we've realized that, while there is no replacement for Madison, we have the capacity to love and care for another dog. In short, we've helped each other heal. As we shared the news with family and friends that we were fostering a Yorkie, most predicted we'd be foster failures. We weren't convinced that we were ready, but turns out they were correct in their assumptions. Willy trotted into our lives at the right time without us even knowing it. We're thrilled to call him a member of our family and hope to adopt a sibling for him at some point but in the meantime we'll stick to fostering seriously. Congratulations Booker!!!