Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

On Thursday evening the Scalora family traveled almost 2 hours each way, in the rain, to meet Breezie! All five of them came in and we exchanged hello's and introductions while I was holding Breezie (I had already explained to them that she will be apprehensive at first). There were lots of ooh's and ahh's going on! Mario and Tricia's son, Sal was in charge of a super excited Winston, their four-legged son, who could not wait to meet Breezie; but she was playing hard to get. We all sat on the floor and of course Breezie was on my lap while we talked all about her. I suggested to their daughter, Olivia to reach for the bag of treats on the counter and Breezie had a new best friend, soon she was on Olivia's lap. It was mentioned that their daughter is their dog whisperer and plans to become a vet. I thought to myself, I sure hope that Breezie makes a good impression on them because this is a fantastic, animal loving family! As we talked more, Mario said they already had Breezie signed up for an obedience course with Olivia and they were going to enroll her in the same insurance plan as Winston. They know it will take time for her to acclimate in her new home...they kept saying everything that I needed to hear. I think they were sent from God just for Breezie! This wonderful family is exactly what Breezie needs to become a confident and a well-adjusted pup! They still had a long ride home, so Mario asked Olivia, "Do you think she is the one?" and without hesitation, Olivia said YES! We then did paperwork and went over all the records we were sending along with Breezie. We were getting ready for the picture when I heard Olivia say to her mom, "We are just shy of celebrating her first birthday!" and Tricia piped up,"We can always do a belated birthday party!" Tom and I said our goodbye's (me with lots of tears and Tom with an aching heart) and told Breezie how much we loved her and that she will have a wonderful life! We couldn't be happier for this sweet little girl and the Scalora family said we can come to visit her anytime! Olivia and Mario both texted me pictures of Breezie when they finally arrived home. One was of Breezie beside Winston after they went out together to potty and the other was of Breezie sitting on Olivia's lap as they were watching TV. That warmed my heart! Her new name is Phoebe. Congratulations Breezie as you were known in rescue!!!