Animal Success Stories
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On July 10, Buttin (now Shiloh) found just the right fit with Giovanna and Mayra. Arriving promptly at 10 AM, Buttin's forever family brought treats and the B-E-S-T stuffed toys ever -- one blue crocodile and one long- legged, long-necked chicken. Buttin thought both of these toys were great especially when Giovanna got on the floor and showed him she was a first-class playmate. Then it was time to jump into Mayra's lap and get the most wonderful pats, rubs and scratches. Mayra knew just the right spots to make Buttin smile. After playtime, Giovanna, Mayra and Chuck took Buttin for a walk. When Giovanna started to jog, Buttin happily trotted right along side of her. All returned to the house and it was time for paperwork. Buttin begrudgingly let Giovanna and Mayra read those pesky papers all the while trying to wiggle up into their laps for pats. Once all was signed and SAYR Tote collected, Buttin headed out excitedly to the car. After being clipped into his new bucket booster seat, it was time for him to go for a short ride to his forever home. It's been reported that he's made himself at home, took a walk of the neighborhood, met some new doggies and found the dog park complete with fire plug. Foster Mom and Dad are sure Buttin has nothing but fair winds and following seas in his future! Congratulations Buttin!!!