Animal Success Stories
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Well, the tears are flowing! Kaleigh has found a fur-ever home that is just as special as she is! We were greeted by Mary Claire and Richard and their adorable yorkies, Kadie and Molly. They made the two hour trek from New Jersey to Delaware to meet Kaleigh and surely, they weren’t disappointed! The three yorkie girls met and got along beautifully, greeting each other with puppy kisses! After spending some time with Kaleigh and seeing how the girls interacted, Mary Claire and Richard were ready to make the big decision to take Kaleigh to her forever home. Although Kaleigh is taking a piece of my heart with her two hours away, I am beyond excited that she was able to find a family that seems to suit her so well! A main point I was looking for in her forever home was high activity between people and dogs so I couldn’t be happier knowing that Kaleigh will be spending her days soaking up the sun on an island in New Jersey with her new yorkie sisters and any new friends she will make along the way. I felt at ease to see Kaleigh enjoy Kadie and Molly’s company along with being comfortable around Mary Claire and Richard. The final goodbye as she was loaded into the car was heartbreaking but I feel better knowing that her new family will keep her safe and continue to give her the life she deserves. To Kaleigh - thank you for being the bestest friend Winston and Phoebe could ever ask for. You were a great addition to our pack and I know Kadie and Molly will feel the same way. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your new home, sweet girl. You’ll always have a piece of our hearts here in Delaware! We love you! Congratulations Kaleigh!!!