Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
A Handsome Prince

It is with great pleasure that we can say The Handsome Prince has been adopted by the most wonderful, loving woman, and has moved to New Jersey with his new adoptive mom! Prince has been a joy to have for the past 4 months. He adjusted quickly to our home in Connecticut after arriving from Philly by private plane (thanks to Brian from Pilots 'N Paws). During his time with us he claimed some favorite comfy spots, played vigorously with Vittoria and Luca and gave the doggy toys a real workout...a few of which needed surgery! He absolutely LOVES to meet new people so we are sure he will make many new friends in his forever hometown. This little guy was very hard to give up. We got very close to being a Foster Fail Family this time, but we know that Prince's adoption makes room for another precious Yorkie to have a chance at a new life. Congratulations Handsome Prince!!!