Animal Success Stories
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Buttons Mackinson

From the bottom of despair to the heights of joy - Buttons has experienced it all. Her mom, her darling mom, whom she loved with all her heart and who cherished her, passed away the day after Christmas. Buttons wanted no one but her mom - and that was not possible. Lucky for Buttons, her aunt thought that rescue was the best hope for her. And a wonderful foster family said, YES! they would take her in for as long as she needed them. Buttons went to the vet and was kept busy so that she wouldn't spend her days in mourning. Just about one month later, a new family came into Buttons life. A wonderful, active happy family - just look at that picture! Buttons looks like she is the happiest dog in the world. We think she is and we know her new family thinks she is adorable. A very happy beginning... Buttons had enough endings.