Animal Success Stories
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Albert Eli

Charley “Albie” Thomas is on the way to his new adventure! This was a super easy adoption. Chanta and Cookie showed up a little after 3 pm and she Chris and I plus 5 dogs all went for a pack walk. I started out with Albert, Lucy and Beau but passed over the leash to Chanta and cookie shortly after leaving the yard. That has become my new way of letting go. It seems to help. After the walk and introductions were completed we took a seat in the living room to chat and let the dogs visit. My pack was very attentive and then they all settled down with a bully stick while Cookie and Albert explored each other and the house. Albie jumped up in his new moms lap and sat with her off and on during all the paperwork review. After all the necessary paperwork was completed we demonstrated feeding procedures. Albie ate well and took his medicine like a good boy. Then it was potty time and adventure time! My husband and I helped them load up the car for their journey home. After some kisses and reassurance to the little guy I tucked them all in and I turned around to see the photo below and it nearly broke my heart. His big old eyes were just looking at me as if to say ‘what is happening?’ I asked her to roll the window down so I could get a better shot of photo below. He was such a good boy though. He was really trying hard and he was definitely interested in Cookie and Chanta. I know it’s the perfect place for him but there is always that void when the house gets too quiet right after they leave. But Lucy Belle told me this week it was time for him to go. While this picture tears at my heart it also make me so happy. It’s almost as if he is smiling, thanking me for the help and letting me know he will be okay. Godspeed Charley ‘Albie’ Thomas! You will be missed (except by Lucy Belle!) LOL but you are already loved so much. Congratulations Albert Eli!!!